Thursday, January 30, 2020

100 Days of Tatting

Yesterday I worked on the long next row of the doily on the left. Today I will continue working on that long row.
Also, yesterday I started another large painting. This one is 24"x48". I will post a finished picture of it next week. You can watch my progress daily of tatting and painting on Instagram.

I spent the morning falling apart,
but I like sorting things,
and organizing things,
and doing puzzles, so
I’ll spend the afternoon
putting myself back together.

by:  Paula D. Nevison

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

100 Day Project: The Sun, Librettist Etraordinaire

First week, first big painting, 30" x40" acrylic on canvas.

I haven't signed this yet because I am going to look at it for a while to decide if it is actually finished or if there is anything else it needs, but in the meantime, I am very excited about starting the next big painting tonight. It will be 24"x 48". I post progress pictures on my Instagram page.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Saturday, January 25, 2020

A Kiss from Your Soul

“Every orgasm
when I’m licking you,” he said,
“is a kiss from your soul.”

by:  Paula D. Nevison

Thursday, January 23, 2020

100 Day Project, Starting Point

Yesterday was the first day of my Painting Large project, The Sun, Librettist Extraordinaire.
This is what I'm starting with, a 30" x 40" canvas that I started a long time ago and set aside. I worked on it last night, and will keep working on it until it is finished. Next week I will have a finished picture of it to show you.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Monster Costume

Threadbare from continuous use, strained,
rent, fragile skin, dreadfully damaged.
Meticulous repair to manage.
The monster must remain contained.

by:  Paula D. Nevison

Monday, January 20, 2020

100 Day Project, Starting New and Continuing Old

A new 100 Day Project is starting in 2 days, January 22, 2020. I am calling mine, The Sun, Librettist Extraordinaire, and I am going to paint Large instead of (actually, in addition to) the little paintings I usually do, painting every evening to finish a large canvas each week. This does not mean that I am going to quit my 100 days of tatting. Tatting will continue.

Here is an update picture of my continued tatting. I have not yet tatted today, but I will post today’s tatting on my instagram page later when it is finished.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Dessert First

He orchestrated
at the waitress,
told her the plan.
Dessert first,
then dinner.
We shared it
as if it was last.
It was not good,
but this date
was the best.

by:  Paula D. Nevison

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

The moon smiles.
The stars twinkle.
The dark night covers the sky
as you and I
climb into bed.

by:  Paula D. Nevison

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Interrupt Me

I want your time and attention.
No matter what I’m in the middle of,
You are more important.
Interrupt me,

by:  Paula D. Nevison

Monday, January 13, 2020

Find Me

Headphones on.
Music playing.
Counting stitches.
Lost in imagination.

Find me.

Reality with you
is better than make-believe.
by:  Paula D. Nevison

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Doodling Hearts

At night I dream of you
Awake or asleep, I think of you.

Everlasting, unfailing, my feelings for you

You mean the world to me
You are my sun, my moon, and the stars too.  

I love you in so many ways
Let me count the ways. It will take all day.

I’m writing over and over again
Doodling hearts until my pencil breaks

I Love you, love you
I love you, forever

Never forget, Always remember,
I Love you, love you
I love you, forever

by:  Paula D. Nevison

Saturday, January 11, 2020

100 Day Project, still tatting

Tatting every day December 21st, 2019 to March 19th, 2020.
This is what I have tatted since January 1st. 
I tatted the chain to my pretty stone pendant today.
You can see them each day on Instagram as I tat them.


Friday, January 3, 2020

Everything I do
reminds me of you,
even the smile
on the face
of the man
in the moon.

by:  Paula D. Nevison

8"x10" watercolor
 What is the best time to rescue a princess?              .....Knight time

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

An Eclectic Mind

I love the sky,
the moon,
the sunset and sunrise,
the shapes in the clouds.
I’d give Rorschach butterflies.
His ink blots,
I would romanticize.
Find a story of a princess and a castle,
and with a dragon, glamorize.
Passionately unhinged,”
he’d summize.
Away with the fairies.
Must supervise.”

by:  Paula D. Nevison

2"x7" watercolor