Friday, July 31, 2020

July was WorldWatercolorMonth

I painted a tribute to all the photographers who plan, patiently wait,
and painstakingly take perfect pictures.
Thank you.

This is some of what I painted through July.

These and more are posted on my Instagram page with the details of the prompt for the day and the size of the paintings.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

People Say My Husband's Scary

People say my husband's scary.
An opinion I can't dissuade.
He is big and bald and brawny,
but I have never been afraid.

He's my tall polite provider,
playful, pleasant, pertinacious,
protecting of his family,
practical, and perspicacious.

He had to let his hair grow back
and his face fill up with a beard
for a movie roll he landed.
His friends and family all cheered.

I was totally excited.
I'm his greatest supporting fan.
Now my hairy handsome husband,
I see a teddy-bear-ish man.

Alas, I'm told the role he plays
is massive mean mobster muscle
for the movie's leading bad man.
He's not one with which to tussle.

So, whether he has hair or not,
doesn't apparently matter.
He will always scare the strangers.
When I'm with him, they all scatter.

by:  Paula D. Nevison
(I originally posted this on June 24, 2013 and decided to post it again.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Seeking Distractions

No matter how hard
I try to count stitches
my brain keeps talking to you.
I need a more complicated pattern
to shut you out
before I cry.
by:  Paula D. Nevison

Tuesday, July 7, 2020


The wrong side of the bed?
There is no right side when you’re gone.
I lay here in your spot,
completely still,
imagining, remembering
phantom pleasure of your touch
in such detail
that it feels real.

Nights without you
are eternity alone,
insomnia looms
till you come home.

by:  Paula D. Nevison

Friday, July 3, 2020

Sovereign suppressed,
expurgated expressions.
I yield to my King. 

by:  Paula D. Nevison