Tuesday, December 31, 2019

100 Day Project update

Tatting every day December 21st, 2019 to March 19th, 2020.
This is what I have tatted since the last picture was taken
(there is actually a red edging and a red beaded ring that I forgot to put in this photo, but they can all be seen on my Instagram page). I tatted the blue bird today.

Monday, December 30, 2019

New Favorite Piece of Music

The Phantom of the Opera
is my new favorite piece of music.

The phantom of the opera is there...”

I wish I could sing like Christine,

Think of me, think of me fondly...”

Say you love me every waking moment
Turn my head with talk of summertime
Say you need me with you now and always
Promise me that all you say is true
That's all I ask of you”

Instead of just hearing the songs,
I saw the movie last night
and now I like it even more.

by:  Paula D. Nevison

Saturday, December 28, 2019

I See Hearts Everywhere

I have tatted so many hearts this December
that now I see hearts everywhere.
This morning
the tree
made a heart for me.
 Leaving the store,
heart clouds appeared.
They were pink.
And a large heart cloud,
in the night sky,
greeted me
when I took the garbage out.
I am a romantic. 
The trees
and the clouds
And I am loving it.

by:  Paula D. Nevison

Friday, December 27, 2019

My Beautiful Christmas Weather

Orange trees fruiting in our backyards.
Flowers growing on the boulevards.
Pink and red Camellia bushes bloom.
Seventy-two degree afternoon.
Christmas definitely was not white.
No snow in the forecast for tonight.
Short-sleeve t-shirts we all don
taking Christmas decorations down.

by:  Paula D. Nevison

Watercolor 3.5"x5.75"


Monday, December 23, 2019

100 Day Project

This 100 day project sounds fun. I am late starting and I am not sure that I understand it completely, but I am going to tat each day for 100 days for the Solstice to Equinox: Out of the Darkness Project which started on the Winter Solstice, December 21st, 2019, and ends on the Spring Equinox, March 19th, 2020. In the meantime, I am going to figure out what purpose or theme to use in the 2020 100DayProject which starts on January 22nd, 2020 and ends April 30th, 2020. Their theme is Secret Places. I intend to participate in both.

I actually started tatting December 1st, so maybe I am not behind. My thinking was to tat through December, sort of an advent thing. I have been tatting with the theme of Love using red as a main color, but I will change colors and themes at least monthly with this tatting so I don’t get bored.

I have my tatting posted on Instagram, but here is a progress picture.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Dragon

Today, I am the dragon
Not the fair maiden
Invisible during the day
Infrared at night.

by:  Paula D. Nevison

Today I tatted a dragon from the pattern designed by Anne Bruvold.

Friday, December 13, 2019

To Zeus

13 hearts for you this Friday the 13th.
I tatted while my husband and boys dug the hole.
You would have been 13 years old next month. 
Painted 2 years ago when we had snow for a day.

We smile to hide tears.
Merry Christmas in heaven.
We will miss you, Zeus.

by:  Paula D. Nevison

Thursday, December 12, 2019


by:  Paula D. Nevison

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Two Hearts Joined

Two hearts joined as one.
Together, there is purpose.
Apart, we are lost.

by:  Paula D. Nevison


Sunday, December 1, 2019

Tatted Heart

I will only bloom
if you keep me in your heart,
flowering for you.

by:  Paula D. Nevison
The pattern I tatted is Rose Heart by Tina Neudorf.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

My History of Tatting

French frivolité, Finnish sukkulapitsi means 'shuttle lace'.
Schiffchenarbeit in German 'the work of the little boat'.
The 'shuttle', makouk is Turkish, or maybe mekik, for Turkish I don't speak.
India's tattie meaning 'mat', like those doilies we make.
in Italian it's occhi meaning 'little eye' referring to the rings.

Icelandic taeta meaning
'little pieces of wool combings, to knot, to pick up'.
Originally tatting was made in little bits
painstakingly sewn together with a needle.

In America it's called tatting which probably came
from the old English tat to 'entangle or weave',
or could it be that when women get together they tattled with gossip
(which is too outrageous to believe).

Tatting came from knotting and was used to decorate.
An Egyptian mummy's skirt, with rings, was overlaid.
The Chinese couched their knotting into embroideries
which eventually found their way to European furnishings.

In Europe, ladies, not wanting to be idle, would knot,
allowing them to sit still and still be useful, and show off
extravagant and expensive shuttles, gold and silken threads,
richly adorned and bejeweled knotting bags carried with them
to parties, the theater, and tea with their best friends.

While the French and English nobility were knotting,
flaunting their delicate hands, and brilliant rings,
an Italian nun decided to make a ring from her knot string.
Thus begins, unofficially, the art known as tatting.

Chaucer wrote about it in his Canterbury Tales.
Sir Charles Sedley wrote a poem,
The Royal Knotter, about England's Queen
who takes her knotting on her trip to Wales
(I made that up, but she would have if she went).

So from couching threads to a substantial edge
for a child's dress, or a lady's frill,
to bonnets, caps, and handkerchiefs,
from royalty to nunneries, tatting brings goodwill.

Once was made of silk,
now mostly made in cotton,
Tatting is not a lost art.
It has not yet been forgotten.

By: Paula D. Nevison

(re-post from July 26,2014)

Come see me tat at the Port City Craftsmen show this weekend.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

A Yellow Halloween

I woke to a yellow sky,
a yellow blanket disguise
hiding the rain clouds
through which the sun shined.
The kitchen windows
fogged over yellow.
I put on a yellow shirt,
and yellow Crocs
for flash flood puddles.
Yellow yolks oozed
across ancient Fiestaware
as the yellow gourd watched
with his spooky glare
and I stirred honey
into my hot lemonade
on this beautiful dreary
yellow day.

by:  Paula D. Nevison

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Painting Small

Painting for the craft show in November.  I will have a space with my paintings and tatted lace.
painted bookmarks, watercolor, ink, and pencil on paper

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Fountain of Youth

semen secretions
erotic endorphins
aphrodisiac angles
entwined enjoyment
monogamous chemistry
with congruous constancy
and wholehearted participation

by:  Paula D. Nevison

11"x14" acrylic on canvas board

Monday, October 21, 2019

Painting the Sunrise

5"x7" watercolor on paper
The sun was smiling through the clouds this morning, the beginning of a beautiful day.

Friday, October 18, 2019

I will be at the craft show

6"x2" watercolor
I will have a space at the 2019 Port City Craftmen Show at the Abba Shrine Auditorium,
7701 Hitt Rd, Mobile, AL 36695
November 22nd, 23rd and 24th, 2019
I will have tatted lace, and my paintings.
You can see a lot of my work on my instagram page.
This is a bookmark
that I recently painted.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

He Thought of Me

He stopped,
turned his car around,
went back and took a picture
of the clouds for me.

I didn’t ask him to.
I wasn’t even with him.
I didn’t see those clouds.
I wouldn’t have missed them.

I was on his mind,
he noticed the clouds,
and I was important enough to him
that he went back and took a picture for me.

by:  Paula D. Nevison

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Chunk-ing the Saturday List

My list is not working for me today,
so I’m going to eat too much chocolate,
and write about a horse
instead of mopping the floors.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Poetry is nearer to vital truth than history.  - Plato

Monday, October 7, 2019

An Approving Moon

After jogging from the park to school,
because her mother had not
allowed enough time
for us to leisurely walk,
trudging slowly back up the steep hill,
pushing the stroller heavy with child,
I saw the moon
in the morning sky.
Half of the moon,
high up in the blue,
was smiling at me
for making the effort
to jog to school,
to please my granddaughter,
yet still get her there on time.

by:  Paula D. Nevison

Sunday, October 6, 2019

I love it when I’m called to bed.
Plug my phone in by your head.

by:  Paula D. Nevison

Thursday, September 26, 2019

This Morning

The clouds turned from pink to gray
awaiting her majesty,
who had only started to peak,
but was slowly coming into full glory.

She takes her time.
I yawn and stand
watching her majesty’s yellow band
stream across, light up the sky,
a glorious entrance.
Standing patient, I
try to remember to breathe,
watching the sky through the tall trees
changing from black silhouette
to hunter green pirouettes.

The clouds go gray to red.
The sun is about to show her head.
The birds begin to sing,
announcing the new day she brings.
Light green leaves blow.
Clear sky relaxed pale blue, and
clouds gone white have paid their due.
Her majesty, now high and bright,
displays for us her glorious might.

by:  Paula D. Nevison

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Sunrise Sunset Series

5"x7" watercolor on paper, series of 3

"And the sun kissed the sky good morning.
Tonight, as the sun began to set, the sky kissed her back.
And he set the knight to guard as she slipped away."

Thursday, September 12, 2019

My dear Prince Charming,
What quests do you face today?
What foes must you vanquish?
What dragons must you slay?
While home alone I languish
Waiting your return to play.

by:  Paula D. Nevison

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Secret Yankee Lament

In my car, right now, 114 degrees.
From this Alabama heat, I seek reprieve.
Minnesota is the place to go,
way up north with all that snow.
But the most important things to me
are here with this insufferable sweltering.
So I tolerate for family,
and will hide indoors with my AC.

by:  Paula D. Nevison

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Court Fruition

The judges ruling
we wait to see. He entered
a blind plea, Guilty.

Now three years waiting,
anticipating justice.
There was video.

by:  Paula D. Nevison

Friday, August 30, 2019


I have lists of things to do,
lists I’m working through.
I’m bored.

I like my life
as mom and wife.
I’m bored.

I love my husband, children, pets.
I live my life with no regrets.
I’m bored.

Is that why the dogs run out the front door?
They are waited on, and well cared for.
Are they also

Pacing my cage.
A need to engage?
The lion

Put me on a chain.
Take me out of the mundane.

I should be satisfied
My life has no downside.

I’m bored.

Help me fix this restlessness.
Guide me with strength and gentleness.

Teach me ways to placate boredom,
and allay my psychic tedium.

by:  Paula D. Nevison

Monday, August 26, 2019

Guitar Painting

16"x40" commissioned guitar painting, 
reminiscent of Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones guitar.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

wee fingerprints
from windows,
wanting them,
like Peter Pan,
to never grow up.
 by:  Paula D. Nevison

Friday, August 23, 2019

A Knitting Walk

I get a call,
so I stop.

Knitting in one hand
phone in the other.
Knitting and talking
too much bother.

I’m sure my neighbor
thinks I’m crazy,
but at least she
can’t call me lazy.

Put my phone
back in my pocket.
Need both hands
to knit this blanket.

Clip clop,
Flip flop,
Knit purl,
Around the block.

The light
is waning.
My eyes
are straining.

I should really stop,
but knitting is fun,
I need this walk,
and I am almost done.
by:  Paula D. Nevison

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

I smell fresh cut grass
in the cool morning air.
I breathe in deep,
and wonder...
Why is this a good smell?

by:  Paula D. Nevison

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

A Birthday at the Zoo

My kids played with the kangaroos.
The big black bear slept.
It rained at the zoo,
and made everything wet.

The lemurs crawled
on my girls’ heads.
The soaked llama’s hair
looked like it had dreads.

The kookaburra laughed
at Opa’s jokes.
My grandchildren gave
the tortoise strokes.

The possum walked
across the rope.
I drew a sketch
of the antelope.

The parrot talked,
she said, “Hello.”
The lion roared
a loud bellow.

The velociraptor
stood stone still.
The alligator went
under water to chill.

The path was deep
beneath a puddle.
My husband carried
me across the muddle.

Somehow it rained
in the bright shining sun.
It didn’t matter to us.
My family had fun.

by:  Paula D. Nevison

Monday, August 19, 2019

Rock Music Calm

I turn on loud hard rock music
to drown out that part of my brain
that has conversations with nobody,
that wanders towards being insane.

I need to engage
with something that’s real.
Connect motion with thought,
that would be my ideal.

Go for a walk, not alone.
Talk to a person I can actually see,
even my grandson,
though he’s only three.

Push him in his stroller
‘til I’m feeling half dead.
Do the laundry, the dishes,
or bake some fresh bread.

Interact, not visualization.
Get out of my head.
Look at the clouds, and
paint their pictures instead.

Help my grandson ride his new bike.
Take a breath, and stretch. Make a list.
Meet my husband
for an afternoon tryst.

I need something. I need it right now.
And until I know what IT is,
screaming music will calm
my daydream dementia lunatic schiz.

by:  Paula D. Nevison

Saturday, August 17, 2019


Scammers seem to be everywhere.

How are you doing?
Where are you located?"

He seems to be following a script.

“Are you married?
How many children do you have?
I’m a widower with only one kid.
My wife died of cancer when my daughter was young.”

There’s always a terrible story.
Hopefully that part is untrue.

“What’s your favorite color?
What’s your favorite food?
What religion are you?”

Like he’s actually interested.
Like these questions are relevant,
now exploiting my ingrained etiquette.

“What do you do for a living?
What do you drive?
Do you own a house, or rent?”

A few moments later
he asks something again,
having not read my responses,
trying to get to the end,
weasel into my sympathies,
judge me for my answers,
reprimand with reproach, to
make me second guess myself,
elaborate, justify, get emotional,
and prove I am a good person,
by agreeing to help
with some time sensitive tragedy.

What if this is actually true?
What if he really does need help?
Am I being a bad person?

Not just no,
but an emphatic NO!

You can’t send me money.
You can’t have my bank account number.
You say it won’t cost me anything,
that I’ll be helping my brother.


by:  Paula D. Nevison

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Vociferous Cat

I got an early text.
The cat mistook it for my alarm.
She’s meowing for breakfast.
Glarm!!! “Cat!” Now I have to get up.
Not wearing my glasses,
I look out the back window.
A fire in the distance?
I can’t tell through the trees,
so I put on my jeans,
and go out front to view.
The sun is rising,
brilliant orange this morning.
Clouds above are dark blue.
No school.
I’m going back to bed.
Vociferous cat.

by:  Paula D. Nevison

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

I Want Something

I want something.
I don’t know what it is.
I’m not hungry.
I don’t need a drink.
I’ve had my caffeine,
but I’m right on a brink.

I need it badly,
this unidentified thing.
I need it right now!
This is freaking me out!
I’m coming unglued.
This need is about?!

I don’t understand.
I called my husband.
He knows what to do.
I freaked him out too.
He dropped everything
and now is en route.

There is nothing wrong,
and nothing I actually need.
Nothing has happened,
not out of the ordinary.
I’m completely confused,
the start of scary.

I want something.
I don’t know what it is.
Don’t stop for candy.
Don’t buy me a drink.
I don’t know what I want.
I’m right on the brink.

by:  Paula D. Nevison

Friday, August 2, 2019

An Alligator Opportunity

An alligator
laying in the weeds,
posing perfectly,
silently asleep.

Painting en plein air,
birds’ song in the breeze,
sun glistening off
his pointy pearl teeth.

Is there another one,
one who’s watching me,
an alligator

by:  Paula D. Nevison