Monday, June 17, 2013

A Child of God

I found this while I was looking through notebooks. It was between a Breakfast ideas list and a Lunch ideas list. Written sometime between February and July 2000. There were menus dated 2/1, 2/2, 2/3, etc before the breakfast ideas and a dentist appointment scribbled in some pages after for 7-6-00. I wonder what was on the missing pages. Probably grocery lists, or a number jotted down and handed off to my husband.

“A child is not a dog
      to fetch you this and that.
A child is not a remote
      to get up and change the TV
      channel at your whim
      because you don't feel like it.
Sometimes a child is scared
      when there seems to be no
      reason at all, but that
      doesn't mean the fear is
      less legit'.
God made each child unique
      and individual and no less
      special than you.
How would you treat someone
      else's child, a guest in your
      house, whose parent was
      standing near?
You consider yourself a child of God,
      but have you considered who
      else in your house is also a child
      of the God who cares for them too?”

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