Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Tatter's Guild Meeting, August

Our Tatter's Guild, this month, started tatting a Christmas tree angel. The lady with the copies of the pattern could not make it to the meeting, but a different lady with the pattern did come. So, thanks to my wonderful gadgety cell phone, I photographed the pattern and can start my angel. But...I can't start yet...because I cut my left hand index finger (crucial to right-handed tatting) last Thursday when I was chopping leftover chicken for chicken salad.

Oh, DUH! Typing that made me remember that I can tat left-handed. Super cool! I can start mine. I haven't tatted left-handed in a while. This will be slow, but fun. Woo-hoo! 
Round 1 makes a circle with 16 rings and 16 chains. 14 more of each to tat.
At the meeting, we also talked about stringing pearls. What string to use. How to prepare it. Two different ways to tie the knots between the pearls. How to use the little tool that helps tie the knots, and how to tie the knots without the tool. A pearl necklace is a very involved project. They may revisit this topic in a couple months, and demonstrate it with the proper thread and pearls, instead of the on-hand substitute things we used last Sunday. Now I'm going to start that angel, so I don't get too far behind.

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