Sunday, July 27, 2014


The smell of the lighter fluid and the initial singe of the fire starting is slowly replaced by the smell of cooking meat, and barbecue sauce. Early in the morning, my husband gets up, and starts the fire in the smoker. Once temperature is reached, the meat goes on. Today it's two pork butts. The family is coming about three. There will be thirteen of us. I get to work on the sides, potato salad (the one with the bacon and green beans that Grammie makes), and baked beans from two cans (I set them out so I don't forget to heat them up at the last minute). I bought potato chips, and buns (in case anyone wants to make a sandwich of their meat). Homemade chocolate chip cookies are for dessert. My daughter helped me make them. Grammie is bringing ice cream.

My husband is tending to the smoker in the back yard. My brother, his wife, my son, and his wife are smoking in the front yard. The kids are playing X-box on the TV. Grammie is visiting with me while I set the table, and heat up the beans. “Bring the platter. It's time to eat.” Everyone gathers together. God bless the food and all of us. Then we proceed, talking, laughing, eating. Everyone loves it when my husband cooks. His food brings us all together, and together we succeed.

By:  Paula Dean Nevison

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