Monday, May 6, 2013


I nursed my children when they were babies. I'm sure you nursed yours, or gave them some breast milk substitute. There came a time, however, when they were too old to nurse, and I stopped. Babies out grow their need for mother's milk. Baby cows nurse on their mothers. Eventually the calves become old enough that they do not need to drink their mother's milk. Instead, they eat like a cow. Kittens nurse, then are weened, and eat cat food. Puppies nurse, then are weened, and eat dog food. I am not a cow. My children are not calves. Cows' milk is for baby cows. I understand the need for calcium, but I do not have four stomachs like a cow. I do not believe that milk is the best way for us to get the calcium that our bodies need. I am not necessarily against dairy products. Cheese and yogurt are different than milk. They have been changed from their original form into an easier to digest form of calcium.

“As a biological product, milk contains proteins...Protein structure can be affected by different factors like pH, temperature and the presence of other compounds like enzymes. When an external factor affects the protein structure it losses its biological activity and we call this process protein denaturation. An example of protein denaturation is our boiled egg and of course cheese”

There is also the concern of hormones in milk, and it's link to several cancers. There are many studies and articles about this. Here is one from the Harvard University Gazette,

Some other foods that contain calcium (in no particular order) are kale, oranges, sardines, oatmeal, sesame seeds, Tahini, almonds, salmon, white beans, dried figs (also high in fiber and iron), turnip greens, arugula, broccoli, sunflower seeds, Blackstrap Molasses, Bok Choy, spinach, watercress, raw apricots, red kidney beans, herring, flax seeds, some dried herbs, and of course cheese and yogurt.

"Milk, it does a body good," if you are a cow.

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