Thursday, May 2, 2013


Uffdah. So I'm out to lunch with my husband and a friend. I sat at the table while they went up and got the food. I told him to just get me whatever. (We've been married for 23 yrs, he knows me better than I know myself, and I hate trying to figure out menus.) They brought me this giant salad. It looked wonderful. He even thought to have them put the dressing on the side for me. (Btw, he had the same exact thing, but with the dressing on it. He's a big man. He can eat it all.) I'm thinking that I shouldn't eat all of this. It's way too much food. If my stomach is the size of my fist, then I should eat the best parts of this salad first (the grape tomatoes, the meats, the cucumber); leave the lettuce for last; and skip the yucky, oil drenched, garlic flavored, non-nutritious, crusty croutons completely. Well, that was my plan anyway. My husband's salad was all mixed up because it had been tossed with the dressing. My salad, however, had all those yummy things neatly set on top of the mound of lettuce leaves. So I began to carefully pick all the little yummy things up, with my fingers, and eat them first. (I know....I'm not supposed to eat with my fingers, but if I'd used a fork it would've just shoved them into the salad. Besides, there wasn't any dressing on it yet. It wasn't messy.) I stopped eating when I ran out of the good stuff. We were still talking. The salad was still in front of me. We were still talking. Maybe I could eat a few lettuce leaves. They're okay. I dipped them in the dressing, one after another. We were still talking. Pretty soon all I had left was croutons. We were still talking. I don't like croutons. I don't like garlic. We were still talking. I ate the croutons. We were still talking. My husband is finished with his salad. He left a couple salad dressing drenched croutons in his bowl. We were still talking. I ate his croutons. Like, Really?! Duh! I know better than that. I resisted the bread sticks my friend was eating before we got our food. (I was proud of myself for that.) I came up with a good eating strategy when I was presented with my lunch. What happened? Apparently I need to work on a little more self-control (or stop talking).

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